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Caroline County - Second Quarter 2013 - County Industry Series - Maryland's Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) - Workforce Information & Performance

Industry SECOND QUARTER 2013
Monthly Employment Quarterly
Total Wages Average

Second Third
Caroline County              
TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 685   9,601   9,767   9,640 9,669  $84,073,791 $669
GOVERNMENT SECTOR - TOTAL 44 1,677 1,680 1,646 1,668 17,110,186 789
Federal Government 14 72 71 71 71 805,743 873
State Government 6 192 191 188 190 1,757,042 711
Local Government 24 1,413 1,418 1,387 1,406 14,547,401 796
PRIVATE SECTOR - TOTAL ALL INDUSTRIES 641 7,924 8,087 7,994 8,002 66,963,605 644
GOODS-PRODUCING 181 2,483 2,592 2,425 2,500 21,401,889 659
 Natural Resources and Mining
32 729 801 632 721 4,710,105 503
125 591 622 630 614 5,649,096 708
24 1,163 1,169 1,163 1,165 11,042,688 729
SERVICE PROVIDING 460 5,441 5,495 5,569 5,502 45,561,716 637
 Trade, Transportation, and Utilities
173 2,591 2,681 2,722 2,665 22,301,388 644
4 165 163 162 163 3,416,110 1,612
 Financial Activities
43 207 207 210 208 1,952,959 722
 Professional and Business Services
87 398 398 403 400 4,981,673 958
 Education and Health Services
51 1,366 1,337 1,352 1,352 9,857,555 561
 Leisure and Hospitality
49 518 513 518 516 1,647,760 246
 Other Services
53 196 196 202 198 1,404,271 546