PE Exam Information, Special Accommodations and Study Materials - Professional Engineers
Exam Information
Exam site: Maryland State Fairgrounds, 2200 York Road, Timonium, MD 21093
You must REGISTER online with NCEES by the registration deadline. No fee is required for this registration. If you fail to register with NCEES you will not be allowed to sit for the exam.
You will be required to present a valid, government-issued ID upon arrival at the exam site.
If your address changes prior to the exam, you MUST notify us in writing.
ONLY the calculators listed below are allowed into Maryland exam sites. The NCEES calculator policy will be strictly enforced per NCEES instructions. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!! As with cell phones and other electronic devices, any inappropriate calculators will be confiscated by the proctor at the door. Calculators will be randomly checked throughout the day. If you are found to have a calculator or any unauthorized electronic device in your possession that is not listed below, you will be removed from the exam room and your answer sheet will not be scored. If you have any questions concerning the NCEES calculator policy please visit the NCESS website before calling the Board office.
- Hewlett Packard - HP 33S and HP 35S models, BUT no others.
- Casio - All FX 115 models; MUST contain FX-115 in its model name.
- Texas Instruments - All TI 30X and TI 36X models; MUST contain either TI-30X or TI 36X in its model name.
The calculators must match the numbers shown above EXACTLY.
Special Accommodations
The Maryland Board for Professional Engineers complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act in accommodating examination candidates with special needs. Requests for special testing accommodations can be made when registering with NCEES. For more information, visit the Special Accommodations section on the NCEES website.
Study Materials
Visit NCEES for study materials available for purchase.